Zyllio Documentation English

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In the context of a no-code tool, a variable is a fundamental element used to store and manipulate data. Variables can be thought of as containers in which you can store information such as numbers, text, or more complex data. Their main advantage is that they can change value during the execution of your application.

Creation of variables

There are 2 types of variables:
Simple variables based on user input or action results
Selection variables based on lists

Input Components

You can create simple variables using input components, such as a text input field. For example, a user can enter their name in an input field, and that entry is then stored in a variable.
All the following components store input in simple variables


Actions can be used to store the result of a process in a simple variable
Get Current Position
Retrieves the GPS position of the device and stores it in a simple variable.
Increments a simple variable and stores it again.
Scan QR Code
The scanned code is stored in a simple variable.
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Selection Components

List-type components such as grids (Grid), lists (List), or carousels (Carousel) can be used to define selection variables. When a user selects an item from these components, the selected item is assigned to such a variable.

Using Variables

Variables can be used on any screen. A variable created in one screen can be read on any other screen, not necessarily the same screen.

Reading and Displaying

All visual components, formulas, and actions in your application can read and display the values stored in variables. This provides great flexibility in presenting and processing data.
Additionally, variables can be combined using formulas to build texts that contain both fixed words and variable data.
Variables can be formatted according to their type to customize their display.
Number of decimals Integer
Date/Time/Date and Time Short or long format
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Manipulation by Actions

Most actions allow variables to be specified in their properties to be executed.
For example, the Navigate action defines a property called URL, which can have a fixed value (e.g., ) or use a previously stored variable (e.g., website).
Some actions will produce a value and store it in a new variable or an existing variable.

Best Naming Practices

It is recommended to name variables with meaningful names based on their usage:
Use "Selected Product" for a list of products
Use "Scanned Code" for a QR Code Scan action
An application containing dozens of variables can become extremely difficult to maintain in the long term.
If the application contains dozens of screens using the same data sources, it is recommended to add more context to the names. For example, "All Products" and "Favorite Products."
Avoid the following:
Numbered variables like "variable 1," "variable 2"
Shortened names

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